Good Health Starts With This Fa(a)d…

Is it time to ask the obvious yet? So who do you trust to keep your skin healthy and looking good? Board-certified dermatologists like the ones at Midwest Dermatology? Or someone whose credentials only come courtesy of Groupon?

Um, yeah. We thought you’d agree that having a board-certified dermatologist as part of your health care team is sort of a no-brainer. At Midwest Dermatology, we play nice with others. Patients come to our office after seeing aestheticians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and nurses. Even your hairdresser may be a part of our healthcare squad! Your personal physician who referred you is an important part of the team, too.

We might be a little biased, but we’re big on the idea of having a Board-Certified Dermatologist lead the care of your skin. TBCDs, as we like to call them, are always your best choice for:

  • Diagnosis and maintenance treatment for skin diseases like acne (translation: it’s okay if you watch Dr. Pimple Popper, but get your healthcare guidance after seeing a board certified dermatologist in person!)
  • Annual skin cancer examinations
  • Treatment and follow-up care for basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and Melanoma, which is something to watch out for and be concerned about.
  • Cosmetic procedures (like microneedling and PRP) for achieving younger-looking skin and better hair and nails.

Board certification is like the secret sauce

All four Midwest Dermatology physicians are board-certified dermatologists. This means every one of them has completed the most advanced educational training in dermatology and specializes in treating conditions of the skin, hair and nails.

Whether you want to get in after breakfast, afternoon or sometime over your lunch hour, we can make it happen. All you have to do is click here and make an appointment – easy-peasy. Or for more options, give us a ring at 402-933-0800.

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