Sharks and Thicker Hair. Trust Us, There’s a Connection.

If the green-eyed monster of jealousy has you all worked up about those people who have full, thick and non-thinning hair, there’s a chance you’re familiar with the world of hair growth supplements. And if neither surgery nor extensions are options for you, you may have even tried Biotin, the B-complex vitamin which has a big reputation but little real evidence behind it. Fortunately, your dermatologist has an answer and an alternative. It’s called Viviscal.
Viviscal’s star ingredient is – you guessed it – shark powder. That explains its slightly fishy taste and its higher price tag (about $60 a month). Used by celebrities and models, Viviscal’s signature AminoMar marine complex blend is made up of both shark powder and mollusk powder. Though the actual science behind AminoMar is a little cloudy – kinda like the water when you’re swimming away from the Jabberjaws — researchers do know that it truly works. In fact, in the 1980s, a Scandinavian professor studying the Intuits found that the indigenous people had a fish-and-protein rich diet to thank for their extraordinary skin and hair. And isolating the key molecules of the Intuit diet led to the creation of AminoMar. More recently, a double-blind study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology concluded the effectiveness of Viviscal and its ocean-based powders.
If you’re a vegetarian, or have a seafood allergy, check with your Midwest Dermatology dermatologist for alternatives. But if not, leap into the shark-infested world of Viviscal Pro, which you can pick up at any Midwest Dermatology office!