Dr. Parker’s Perspective: 3 Tips for Keeping Skin in Tip-Top Shape

Dr. Collin Parker is the newest member of the Midwest Dermatology physician team and we recently asked him to share his top tips for keeping your family’s skin healthy and looking good.

  1. Get to Know Your Dermatologist.

“I think that having a relationship with your doctor allows for better care because patients are comfortable enough to ask questions and open to explanations and suggestions. Everyone comes to me with a unique set of circumstances and it’s my responsibility and privilege (as a physician) to help.”

  1. Build Protection Into Your Routines.

“My wife…stashes sunscreen in both our cars, and in the kids sports bags, too. The other thing we do is rash guards and clothes with built in UPF sun protection, which protects against both UVA and UVB rays. They are great for the kids and save us time applying sunscreen. I think sun protection is like anything else, if it’s convenient it’s much more likely to get used.”

  1. Don’t Go to Extremes.

“Skin is an organ, it’s just on the outside of your body. You can’t see what smoking does to your lungs and you can’t see the effects of alcohol on your liver. However, your skin shows what you have put it through. Whether it be too much sun or even repetitive facial expressions, the damage will show up eventually. I’m a big believer in the old adage ‘everything in moderation.’”

 You can get to know Dr. Parker personally at Midwest Dermatology. Schedule an appointment for a skin cancer screening or a skin rejuvenation consultation by calling 402-933-0800 today.


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